Use Onboarding to Drive KPIs

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Control Version


Company: Spark Networks
Product: ChristianMingle
Project: New Onboarding A/B/C Test


One of the most important ways of engaging new users and ensuring their frequent return is to get them to take an action as soon as they enter your application. ChristianMingle’s UI was nothing short of chaotic, and we were not leading our users to take meaningful steps to find love, or engage in behaviors that would make them more likely to convert.


From cohort analyses, we knew that having a complete profile increased messages received. Likewise, by viewing more profiles in a first session, more messages were likely to be sent. Both metrics made the likelihood of conversion within the first 7 days of registration higher. Working with Susan Chen, the Optimization Manager, we conducted competitive analysis on sites like, eHarmony and OKCupid. We redesigned and clarified our first-time visitor overlay to focus on these 3 most important drivers through an A/B/C test, the control receiving 40% of traffic and the other versions receiving 30% each.

Any guess on which version won?

Test B: Susan Chen’s and my creation


Test C: Origin unknown


Test B: the Winner!


Guiding customers into behaviors that reinforce the value of the application is a win for them and the business alike. By simplifying our message, creating clear CTAs with copy that draws the line between action and result for the user, we were able to increase Profile Views by 16%, Edit My Profile by 1122% and same-day subscriptions by 12% from those that took action on the new overlay.


  1. For optimization projects, it’s critical that product managers conduct cohort analyses with the BI team to identify user segments whose behaviors can be augmented to drive critical metrics.

  2. Cater to these users by encouraging intuitive actions that benefit them as well as the business goals.

  3. Overlays should focus on simple designs with clear CTAs that draw on basic value propositions. Do not overwhelm the user with a bunch of options and a cluttered design.